Sunday, August 24, 2014

Curried Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti Squash is a sweet, slightly nutty and delicious healthy food you'll want to try at least once. You can google how to microwave it, but since we don't use a microwave in our house, I'll give you the traditional recipe. Hyperlinks are to recipes I've used, but posted here are my tweaks and how I make it.

Step 1: Prepare your squash
  • Cut the squash in half lengthwise (this is actually kind of hard, and I make DH do it every time)
  • Scoop out ALL the seeds and that stringy pulpy innard stuff. You can strain the seeds and roast them later if you want.
  • Drizzle the inside of the squash with olive oil and make sure all the cut sides have been coated. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and place cut side/flat side down on a baking sheet.
  • Bake at 375*F for 1 hour. It really doesn't need watched
  • Remove from oven and gently scrape out squash meat with a fork. It will separate into strands like spaghetti.

Once you have the squash cooked, you can prepare it however you want. Add marinara and meatballs, make a Primavera like my good friend, Nik, or my favorite- Curry

I usually like to start making the sauce ~5-10 minutes before I pull the squash out of the oven.
  • Heat 1Tbs of oil in a pan. I like to use Ziggy Marley's Coco'Mon Lemon Ginger Coconut Oil in this recipe.
  • Add 1-2 tsps. of grated ginger or gingerpowder and 1 tsp of garam masala spice to the oil. Heat a minute until fragrant.
  • Stir in 2Tbs of Lemon Juice and 1-2Tbs of Honey.
  • Pour over spaghetti squash and toss with cilantro. Serve

You can buy garam masala seasoning, but it's really expensive and pretty easy to make at home. I made it with spices I had in my cupboard. It doesn't need to be perfect but make sure everything you put in it gets well blended. The recipe below is based on what comes in a store bought spice rack and in my cupboard. Substitute seed or powder based on what you have. Blend in a personal blender or spice grinder and store in a mason jar in your spice cupboard. Makes ~1/4 cup
  • 1Tbs of Coriander Seed
  • 1 tsp Ground Cumin
  • 1 tsp Ground Cardamom
  • 1 tsp Peppercorns
  • 1/2 tsp Fennel Seed (which I didn't have when I made mine- still great)
  • 1/2 tsp Mustard Seed
  • 1/4 tsp Ground Cloves
  • 1 tsp Crushed Red Pepper Flakes
  • 1 tsp Turmeric

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