Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Updates & New Tags

This post is just a general update on the direction of the blog. I've been working on a lot of lifestyle posts, and you're going to see some new tags- "Going Green", "Travel", "Parties", and "AIP" among them.

When I started this blog, i was full steam ahead on battling food allergies and general health issues. The blog is mostly about healthy, flavorful, conscientious eating, but every now and then i like to throw in a tidbit about parties and motherhood, because this is real life and we all have something to learn from each other.

I'm going to share with you products, services, and recipes that I love, with full disclosure that I don't get compensated for sharing anything (if ever i do, i'll let you know ;) )If I share a product, it will pretty much always be a product that I've used and have experience with. If I share a recipe, it's going to be one I've cooked (and probably tweaked). If I share a vacation, it's one that I have personally been on, and I will do my very best to give credit to the interwebs where it's due.

"Going Green"
I've been switching to skin friendly and environmentally friendly alternatives for everyday products since i was 18. The older I get, the more successful I get at making meaningful changes for the environment, lowering our footprint one change at a time. I'm going to start sharing how and why I do that, what changes came easily and which ones we're still struggling with. I believe that little changes can have a big impact, and I want to help you make little changes too!

My parents own a fee-free travel agency- Elliott Excursions- based out of central pennsylvania, with agents across the country. We didn't have cable tv or air conditioning growing up, and we didn't care- because we were raised in an environment that gave us the world. I've been on cruises on every coast of the U.S. and the Adriatic Sea. I've flown to Iceland, The Dominican Republic, and soon- Guatemala. When our sun was born, we gave his nursery and adventure theme complete with a compass rose on the ceiling- he'll have stamps in his passport from Canada and Central America before his 4th birthday- seeing the Pacific Ocean, The Great Lakes, and finally the Atlantic in that order. I've been traveling on a budget from childhood, but my favorite place to visit will always be "Somewhere New." I'm happy to share those experiences- and spend savvy tips- with all of you.

When I switched this blog over to The Copper Kitchen 3 years ago, my allergy issues were in remission. One baby, a broken bone, several injuries with NSAID regimens, and a series of mommy/toddler co-infections with antibiotics have landed me right back in the auto-immune fight. Autoimmune issues are generally forever- a glitch that causes the immune system to be over active and attack our own bodies. For almost all of us, that means severe full spectrum inflammation around joints and organs, usually affecting pain levels and energy levels significantly. For me, it also means crazy skin reactions, like cold urticaria (my immune system reacts to being cold) and dermatographia (skin writing disorder- scratches light up red and puff up like puffer paint). It also affects my eyes and adrenal system. The food portion of this blog exists largely because i used diet to control my autoimmune issues in the past; my hope is get them under control with diet again. Auto-immune protocol diets (and similar diets like GAPS and paleo, which i used before) are not necessarily fun- they can be very restrictive, often expensive, and just more labor intensive than fast carbs with no limitations. Auto-immune diets are basically anti-inflammatory diets; they remove major allergens, sugars, grains, nightshades, etc. I've altered my diet for my autoimmune issues probably a dozen times since i first started struggling 15 years ago, so it's not as difficult for me to do as for others, but I'm going to share what makes it easier, how i deal, and how hard it really can be to look fine and be horribly chronically sick all the time. Diet modification can and should be a lifestyle change, but when we're feeling healthy, it's easy to slip back into what is easy and comfortable.

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