Saturday, August 15, 2020


I havent written about quarantine because, well, we're all just doing the best we can and our life situations vary greatly. Instead of addressing quarantine, i wanted to talk about what we did during our quarantine, because we used that time as all silver linings and ive been living my best homestead life.

We rested. We spent quality time as a family. We found small joys and little adventures. There is a lot about quarantine that is stressful and disheartening, but we focus on the good as much as we can.

We painted our house!

When we bought our house, it had just been painted. I hated it, but wasn't going to waste a fresh paint job. 8 years later, it is finally the sunshiny yellow I'd been dreaming of!

We hatched butterflies with a kit from Insect Lore!

We danced in the rain!

We did a lot of gardening!

We were really fortunate for several reasons. The first was that financially we were okay for the short time we needed to be, even though my unemployment took a month to kick in. The second is that we have a large property- i have never beem so grateful for that as i was when the world stood still and there was nowhere else to go. The third is that we're a family and we had each other (and fluffy members too!). The fourth is that our jobs were secure and waiting for us when the world started moving on- even if those jobs are in person. Not everyone had even one of those lucky things, and quarantine took a huge toll on the stress and mental wellbeing of all.

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